Category Archives: Biracial love

How to Resist Forbidden Love – Foolproof Ways to Forget About him and Move on.

  1. First, make a firm decision: I will tame this heart of mine, I will conquer it, I will forget about him! Tell yourself of your decision in a bold, determined voice.
  2. Focus on the harmful and negative outcome should you pursue this love – the consequences, which are often dire. Forbidden love is usually forbidden for a reason. A good reason. Trust me on this, I’m an expert.
  3. Resist from remembering how your heart races at the mention of his name and how your cheeks flame, how your eyes sparkle at the mere thought of him and how alive he makes you feel and how … look, forget all of that absurd stuff – stow those thoughts in the attic of your mind, okay?
  4. Out of sight, out of mind – distance between you and him will help dull the ache and constant longing, so, move house, move cities, move countries if need be. Yes, I’m asking you to run! Trust me on this, I’m an expert.
  5. Draw a line down the centre of a page and list all the pros on one side, and the cons on the other side of the forbidden love in question. You will undoubtedly prove to yourself, because you only really have to prove this to yourself that there are more cons than pros if you were to continue to hanker after said love.
  6. Talk to yourself often about your decision to walk away from him, three, four, five times a day. Brainwash yourself even, because, hey, drastic situations call for drastic measures. Trust me on this, I’m an expert.
  7. Substitute forbidden love with sensible, practical love, one who is good for you and then stick really close to him. Do not hesitate to use that sensible love as a crutch until your heart is fully tamed.

The above measures are foolproof, so they should work.
Well, the above measures aren’t quite foolproof, but they usually work.
Maybe not usually, but they work. Sometimes.
Well, sometimes would be an exaggeration and … look, remember when I stated that I was an expert and that you should trust me? Mm?
Well, I may told you a white lie. Like, a couple of white lies. Like, a ship-load of them. I’m no expert.
What? It’s no big deal. It’s what everyone does when it comes to love, because who the hell is an expert on love? Huh? No one!
So, if the above measures don’t work, then all you can do is give in to temptation, okay? Give in to that intoxicating, exhilarating love, because that heart of yours, let me tell you, it wants what it wants and denying it will leave you in a permanent, What If? state.
Anyway, as they warn, forbidden fruit is the sweetest, fools fall in love, love makes no sense, love is blind… blah! blah! blah! So, why fight it?
(From Sworn Enemies, Secret Lovers, (An angsty tale of forbidden love) by Eve Rabi)

13 Aug 20 cover Promo captured

Excerpt From Sworn Enemies, Secret Lovers ( An angsty tale of forbidden Love) 

“I’m ashamed of my need to be held by him. I guess … well, I guess it’s been a while since I felt a man’s arms around me. Warmth, affection, tenderness – I crave them now and he’s offering all of that. I know, I know, I should move away, end it right now before things spiral out of control, but I don’t. I guess, I like lying in Reed’s warm arms, my back nestled against his broad accommodating chest, the faint whiff of tobacco mingled with his familiar aftershave soothing and comforting my sleepy self.
As our breathing synchronizes, Reed’s hand moves to capture mine. Here again, I think about pulling my hand away, a feeble and somewhat ridiculous attempt to stop him, considering I’m in his arms, but I don’t, I just let him.
His fingers entwines in mine. You can tell by the contented sigh escaping my lips that I like it. Judging by the way he squeezes my fingers, I suspect he likes it just as much.
Snug in a tender, but illicit embrace, we doze.
When I wake up in the middle of the night and find myself in Reed’s arm, reality sinks her teeth in me  – You’re married, he’s off limits, what the hell are you doing? He’s the frigging enemy for crying out loud! The enemy!
The bite is so sharp, I slowly, to avoid waking him, ease out of his arms and tiptoe away. From the other side of the room, I sit and watch him, longing for his embrace despite it being profoundly wrong, hypnotized by the rise and fall of his broad chest as he sleeps.
Minutes pass, before he opens his eyes and looks at me, sitting with my arms wrapped around myself. For a while, he just stares, before he eventually gives me a tiny nod of understanding.
Okay, he gets it. Okay. Makes it easier for me to resist. Okay.
Then … he opens his arms to me.
I frown at him.
He opens his arms wider.
As I glare, then stare at his inviting arms, I will myself to shake my head from side-to-side, to say something like, No thanks, we shouldn’t be doing this. You just caught me at a weak moment. I’m okay. Really, I am. Use a light-hearted voice and add a smile for good measure. No hard feelings, okay?

13 Aug 20 Blog sworn enemies that beautiful

I do nothing of that sort. Instead, I find myself floating over to him and melting into his embrace. This time, he turns me around to face him. Embarrassed by my neediness, I rest my forehead against his chest, avoiding his eyes.
With a chuckle, he tightens his arms around me and kisses my forehead several times.
“Don’t ever leave me again,” he whispers.
The way he hugs me, the way he kisses my hair, the contented sighs he gives as he draws me closer, tells me he wants this as much as I do. Makes me believe that he, well, needs me. My husband has never needed me, never held me that way. Not that way. Not once. I’d remember if he did.
We fall asleep entwined in each other, despite knowing the consequences we face.”
End of adapted excerpt from Sworn Enemies, Secret Lovers 

13 Aug 20 Blog sworn enemies top 10

To read more on this emotional tale of forbidden love, which is priced at just $0.99c for a limited time, click on this Amazon link below:

Other books by Eve Rabi

Fiverr promo banner the other woman March 2018 Eve Rabi


You love him? Oh, please! We’re talking five years in prison! Get real, okay?

29 March 20 pastor's daughter


“Your love is a crime,” the law says and throws you both behind bars.
a) Tell the truth and spend 5 years behind bars for love?
b) Lie like hell – claim that you’ve never seen before, that he took you
against your will, yes, throw him under the bus without a second thought
and secure your freedom within minutes?

Which will it be?
What? You love him? He’s your soul mate? Yeah, yeah, yeah, but
we’re talking serious prison time for you here, so get real now. What
will it be?


A heartbreaking, fast-paced romantic suspense tale of love, betrayal
and unrequited love.

 $0.99 cents for a limited time
Also available on #Kindle #Unlimited!blog face of racism 29March 2020


“My low spirits, self-loathing continued for the remainder of the day. When
I wasn’t crying, I was close to it. At the dinner table that night, I barely
touched my food. I stole glances at my father. He appeared unperturbed,
swirling his glass of red wine, as if nothing had happened. As if he hadn’t
caused Miss Annabel to run off.

“This apricot lamb is very lekker,” he said.

Shut up! I hope you choke on it!

Dankie,” my mother said.

“As if you cooked it!” I said.

My mother jerked her neck to look at me, her eyebrows raised.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Katrina shake her head, silently urging
me to shut up before I got bashed by my mother.

“Ja, what’s your problem?” my mother asked. I do believe she was surprised
that I was being openly mouthy.

I didn’t answer, I just pushed my food around in my plate.

“Ay?” She pressed on, not drunk enough or she’d have ignored my … well,
she would have ignored everything I said. “Why your face like a horse?” She
took a sip of her drink. “Ay?”

“Miss Annabel left, today,” I said. At the mention of Miss Annabel’s name,
my voice grew watery.

She took a sip of her wine. “So? For how long?”

“For good. Forever. She’s never coming back. Ever!”

“Why?” My mother seemed genuinely surprised.

“Why, because, ma, she does not want to teach me anymore!”

My mother jerked back in her chair. “Ay? Ding! Dong! is gone forever?
That stick-in-her-arse woman left?” She chuckled at her joke. “Why?
What you do, Sarie?”

“Me? I didn’t do anything,” I said in a voice filled with icy control.

She giggled over her glass. That caused my anger to accelerate. I glared
at her. How dare you laugh when I have lost my beloved Miss Annabel?
Why can’t you see my pain? You’re an adult, my mother, you should see it!
Why aren’t you seeing my pain, mother? Why the hell are you laughing,
you drunk!

“Sarie, eat up so you can get your ice cream,” Katrina said from the
kitchen, in a voice imbued with warning.

My eyes shifted to Katrina. She shook her head, urging me to shut up. My
eyes shifted back to my mother’s – she was still laughing. I knew exactly
how to wipe that smile off her face, and I did. “You should ask Pa; he took
Miss Annabel into his study when you wasn’t around and they had a … a
long chat. After that she was crying, then she left, because she said she
couldn’t take it anymore. He used to see her often in the study. But only
when you were away, ma. He used to touch her face and ask her to call him
Schoeman. I think he like her more than Popsicle Laurika, Ma. First Miss
Annabel, then Popsicle Laurika, then the maids, then you. Actually, I don’t
think he like you anymore, Ma.”

Even I was surprised at my blatant bitchiness. Hurt and anger had brought out the little bitch in me. My passive aggressiveness sure wiped the grin off my mother’s face. She stared at me with huge eyes, glass mid-air, mouth open. I held her gaze, a slight smirk on my lips. That’s right, he’s been seeing all those women. Your little daughter knows it. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows that Magda is not enough for her husband. Don’t think you are. Whose laughing now, huh?

My mother swung her head to look at my pa who was sitting with his eyes now fixed on his honey, apricot lamb, appearing outwardly calm. His white knuckles around his wineglass told another story.

“Schoe … man …”

My father kept his eyes on his plate, but I noted with satisfaction that his body had turned rigid with fear.

“Schoe … man …”

He tried to shrug off what I was saying, but fear caused his shrug to present like a fearful twitch. After a murderous look my way, my father looked at his plate again.

Taking on Schoeman Vorster was akin to a suicide mission, daughter or no daughter. I knew that, but at that moment, I didn’t care; I wanted a fight, a chaotic brawl, something that could give me an excuse to scream, cry and punch and kick back, hurt someone, something, anything! I wanted an excuse to weep loudly and release some of the pent-up hurt I was experiencing over the loss of my beloved Miss Annabel. I was grieving and I had gone straight into the anger phase.

I sat back and waited for … whatever! I just waited for the outcome. So far, they hadn’t sent me back to my room, so I was excited at the prospect of witnessing a fight. From the corner of my eye, I saw Katrina in the background, signalling desperately for my attention. I looked at her. With her eyes bulging, she patted her lips vigorously – Shut up Sarie before you get it!

She was right, I would get it for sure. But, I didn’t care. They could beat me, I just didn’t care. The pain from a physical beating would be less than the emotional pain I felt. I ignored my keeper and focused on the impending explosion. There had to be one – Magda Vorster hated the idea of not being the only woman in her man’s husband’s life. Being as beautiful as she was, meant that she should be, because looks alone is what satisfies a man. Well, that’s what her pea-brain believed.

There’d be hell to pay if the man who was supposed to adore and cherish her was adoring and cherishing another, one with no plastic crown to prove that she was the fairest in the land. She had turned a blind eye to popsicle-loving Laurika, because she had no choice but to, but this was too much.

The room went quiet. I was disappointed – no explosion? How could that be? Please God, let there be an explosion.

I think, for the first time in my life, my prayers, even though I had become an atheist, came true.

With a snarl, my mother jerked to her feet, lifting up the table at the same time, toppling it, sending crockery and cutlery and crystal glasses and honey apricot lamb and red wine flying. Mad Magda was in the room!

“Magda! What the … FOK!” Pastor Schoeman bellowed.

Mad Magda responded by grabbing a steak knife from the floor and plunging it into my father’s shoulder.

“Yes!” I cried out loud, thrilled at the way things were going. I had gotten more than I bargained for, to my delight. To my horror too.

My father screamed and fell forward, while I jumped back, out of harm’s way. If only his congregation could see this now, I thought, before, I panicked – what if she killed him?

This was more than I expected. She was going to kill him. Okay, then!

I realized very quickly that I didn’t mind her killing him. It would save me the trouble. Would they kill each other? I realized very quickly that that would be okay too.

Sadly, my mother did not kill my father, because he recovered, lunged at her, grabbed the knife out of her hand and flung it across the room in Katrina’s direction. I heard Katrina scream and duck just in time.

He grabbed my mother’s flailing arms and pinned her to the wall. “Are you foking mull?”

That to me was a rhetorical question, but my mother answered anyway. “Ek is nou!” (I am now!) and clawed at my father’s face, drawing streaks of blood. She was way smaller than him, but she was like a china cracker, compact, loud and dangerous, and the pastor could hardly restrain her. Finally, he punched her several times, managed to partially subdue her, grabbed her by the hair, dragged her kicking and screaming all the way into the bedroom and shut the door.

I stood with a trembling Katrina outside the closed bedroom door and listened to the screaming and shouting and loud thuds.

“You better hide,” Katrina whispered in a panicked voice, pointing at some heavy drapes. “Your pa is coming for you next.”

I knew that, so I bolted downstairs and hid behind the drapes.

Minutes later, I heard the thudding of my father’s footsteps, his heavy breathing, then, “SARIEEE!”

I held my breath, trembling with fear – I was probably in for the disciplining of my life – at the same time, exhilarated at having been able to rattle him. He deserved to be rattled – my mother deserved to be rattled, the whole world deserved to be rattled, because I had lost one of the most life-altering people in the universe – my precious Miss Annabel because of my parents. Yes, my mother was also to blame for my loss. She dared make fun and laugh at Miss Annabel? Miss Ding! Dong!? Really? Who’s laughing now?

“SARIE!” The varying tempo of my father’s voice told me he was searching room to room for me.

Then, I heard him feet away from me. “Where the fok is she?”

“Gone to her mother’s room,” I heard Katrina lie. “I think.”

That was a good answer, because silence followed.

Curious, I peeped at him from behind the curtain. There he was, staring at the closed bedroom door, his shirt blood-stained from the shoulder wound, his chest heaving, the bloodied lines on his face causing him to look like he had lost a fight to a dozen feral cats.

“Careful,” Katrina said. “Mevrou got a corkscrew thingi.”

His hand flew to his neck, probably because the woman he called his wife and others called Mad Magda was capable of plunging the corkscrew into his jugular. After mumbling angrily, he took his car keys and almost ran out of the house. At the sound of screeching tyres, I came out of hiding and walked over to my mother’s bedroom and put my ear to the door and listened. It was quiet. I opened the door and peeped inside. My mother lay on the floor in a tangled mess – my father had knocked her out.

I should have checked up on my mother, called an ambulance even, but I didn’t, because I guess I didn’t care enough, and I hurt too much. Which was a sad thing for everyone, because every single person on Earth should love their mother more than anyone else in the world. My guess is that I had come into this world loving my mother. However, bit by bit, her behavior over time, had eroded that love and eventually, caused my love for her, for my mother, the woman who brought me into the world to dissolve completely. How could such a thing not be painfully sad? It was more than sad, it was tragic.”

Young blonde girl with long hair and boy

To read more, please click the following link:

MY BROTHER, MY RIVAL – Angsty, drama-filled Romantic Suspense

One who is good for her

We warned her, “Don’t fall for Cody, he’s a player, he’ll break your heart. Guaranteed. Ignore that chiseled six-pack of his, those rugged looks, that melting grin – all of it, and go for his brother, Scott, instead. Scott, now there’s a gentleman, intelligent, kind, shy, and just as good looking as Cody. Really, he is. The kind of man who won’t break your heart. Husband material.”
Did Bridie listen? Nope.  And where did it get her? A broken heart – that’s what she got. As expected. Of course, none of us said, I told you so. We wanted to, but we didn’t. Why? Because we were young and dumb once. 
Anyway, life has a way of screwing things up, as you know, and in this case, it did. In a big way. Huge, I tell you. Cody, Bridie and Scott were quickly thrust headlong into a heartbreaking love triangle that destroyed the brother’s relationship, ripped apart their family and left them drowning in heartbreak. Sad. 
It didn’t end there. Oh, no – years later, circumstances forced the trio to interact and even live together – that’s right, two of them were to live together!
Buried emotions surfaced, old wounds were picked at, and a tsunami of heartbreak followed.   

And then? you ask. 

Well, there are a lot of ‘And thens’, too many for me to list. So, my suggestion: make a giant pot of coffee, because you’re going to be reading this fast-paced romantic suspense thriller through the night. (Add whisky or rum or brandy to the pot if you need to.) Oh, and keep the tissues handy, because you’re going to cry. Ugly cry. Guaranteed. Like really ugly. Hey, we’re talking about two brothers and their hearts here – how can this story not be sad?

                                    $0.99 for a limited time!         Kindle Unlimited 

blog subconsciously 24 Jan 2020


I was silent as I drove my family to dinner. They weren’t – they chatted away in high-pitched voices about … I have no idea what the fuck they chatted about, because my mind was reeling with the betrayal – my girl and my brother, my girl and my brother, my girl and my FUCKING BROTHER!
How could they do this to me? I loved her with every fiber of my being, and she would do this to me? What about him? He was my brother – I’d die for him in a heartbeat, he knew that, and he could do this to me? Why? How? When? Where? The fuck I knew. I just felt the urge to break something. In fact, my urge to destroy became so intense, I found myself turning my Hummer around.

“Wha … where you going?” my mother demanded.

I didn’t answer.

“I asked you a question,” she said, her voice filled with panic.  “Where you going?”

My response was to hit the gas.

My dad sat upright in his seat, his neck turning wildly around, a look of fear on his face. “Son?”

I stared ahead at the road as I floored it.

“Bro, stop!” Jenna said. “I know where you’re going! You stop right now. This minute! Bro …”

Ignoring all their pleas, I gunned the Hummer toward Bridie’s old place. That’s where she’d be. She had to be there.  She’d better be there.

I made it just in time – she was in the parking lot, about to get into my brother’s Roadster.


I spotted him in the driver’s seat, talking on his phone.

I braked hard, and without killing the engine, hopped out of my Hummer.

Within seconds, my family was chasing after me in tandem, my sister behind me, my father behind her and my mother behind him, all chorusing for me to stop whatever I was about to do.  

When Bridie saw me, she mouthed my name, her blue eyes filled with surprise at the sight of me.

With a mirthless smile, I picked up a brick from the side of the road and strode toward my brother.

When she saw me pick up the brick, it was Bridie’s turn to scream. “What are you doing with that brick? STOOOOP! What are you doing? STOOOP!”

I ignored her and stomped over to my brother. What did she think I was going to do with the brick, huh? Smash his skull with it until his brains decorated his beloved Roadster – that was the plan. Simple.
His window was opened. Good.

The first thing I did was boot his door several times. That caused the door to buckle and trap him inside the car. Exactly where I wanted him to be.
When he saw me above him, brick in hand, a manic look on my face, the phone slid out of his hand. Amidst the pleas of my family and the screams of woman who betrayed, I raised the brick.

His eyes grew large – the largest I’ve ever seen.

Through clenched teeth I said, “You and my girl, bro? Yeah? Well, guess what? Today you die! Bro.”


“Dishes didn’t get washed, supper didn’t get cooked, nothing got done. This book was like a drug; I had to know what happened.”  

“It’s so hard to find a really good book these days. Every so often you find a jewel. My Brother, My Rival, is such a good read! You won’t want to put it down.”

“There are very few books that can make me cry. Ugly cry. I’m giving this a perfect 10.”

“If you have something to do during your day, DO NOT start reading this book! ’Cause once you start you won’t put it down!”

“I love love love this book so much. I’ve read it twice.” 

“This book has been playing in my head all night. I dreamed about it, woke up thinking about it. Serious book hangover coming up. You will need tissues a few times in this book.”

“If I could give this book a 10, I would! It has everything. Brilliant! I’m a fan for life.”

“I could not go to sleep until I finished this book, then I woke up the next morning to reread it.”

“You will laugh, cry and yell with this book, you won’t be able to put it down once you start reading it! THIS IS A BOOK NOT TO BE MISSED!!”

“Fabulously realistic and colorful, the descriptions of people and events are great.”

“Brilliant story. Made me laugh and cry. Have recommended it to family and friends.”

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wordpress he steals her from me


To read more of angsty and heartbreaking drama, click on the Amazon link below:

Color Blind – Heartbreaking romantic suspense about unrequited love – book 10 now available on Amazon!













 Tell the truth and spend 5 years behind bars for love, or lie that that you don’t know him and secure your freedom within minutes? What? You love him? He’s your soul mate? Yeah, yeah, yeah, but hey, we’re talking serious jail  time for you here. Which would you choose? Be honest now.  

She was the face of racism, the daughter of an evangelist hellbent on segregation among the population. No one knew her secret – she was in love with the grandson of an African servant.

Since their love is considered illegal, soulmates Sarie Vorster and Shabba Mxenge have no choice but to love each other in secret. Either that, or face imprisonment under the laws of apartheid. However, one night, the police kick down their door and arrest both of them for contravening the Immorality Act, which prohibits sexual relations between the white population and people of color. Sarie faces five years imprisonment, while Shabba faces ten years. When Sarie’s father, Pastor Schoeman Vorster learns about Sarie’s arrest, he is horrified – how does he face his congregation, his supporters, his peers who are staunch crusaders of racial segregation? To save his family’s reputation, the influential Pastor goes into damage control and comes up with a foolproof plan, one that has been used time and time again with great success – Sarie must simply state that Shabba has raped her. That he targeted her because of her stance against apartheid, kidnapped, then raped her. If she does, she will be free within hours to return to her over-privileged lifestyle, and most importantly, Pastor Schoeman and his family will save face among their apartheid-loving church. Who cares that Shabba would then face more 20 years in prison? Sarie does. As much as she longs for her freedom, much to the ire of her father, she refuses to lie. She states that she would rather do time, than betray the man she has loved since childhood. The pastor is furious at her and launches into plan B – together with a band of racist wardens, the man of God engineers situations in prison to systemically break his ‘rebellious’ daughter and force her to lie. Life in prison becomes a nightmare for Sarie. Time and time again, she finds herself at breaking point.

The question is; how long can the teenager be strong for love, for the man she pledged to love forever? Will she eventually cave and lie to secure her freedom?

Color Blind books 1-10 are now live on Amazon! 

0.99 cents for a limited time! Also avail on Kindle Unlimited

Praise for Color Blind:
“The style of writing this author uses is unique to every other writer out there. The humour is funnier than comedy and the horror is tear-jerking. I read this in less than a day.” “Read this book in one night! Great read and couldn’t put it down!” ‘Fast-paced, raw and entertaining with moments of unexpected humor, this book will have you staying up late into the late.’

‘Clear your calendar this weekend – Eve Rabi has a new tale and it’s kick**s as usual!’

‘OMG, Eve! Just when I think your writing can’t get any better, you surpass yourself! I am biting my nails, wondering what will happen next!’

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Color Blind – Heartbreaking romantic suspense about unrequited love – book 8 now available on Amazon!











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above to download your copy!

Tell the truth and spend 5 years behind bars for love, or lie

that that you don’t know him and secure your freedom

within minutes?

What? You love him? He’s your soul mate? Yeah, yeah,

yeah, but hey, we’re talking

serious jail  time for you here.

Which would you choose?

Be honest now.

Color Blind books 1-8 are now live on Amazon!

0.99 cents for a limited time!

Avail on Kindle Unlimited

Praise for Color Blind:

“The style of writing this author uses is unique to every other
writer out there. The humour is funnier than comedy and the
horror is tear-jerking. I read this in less than a day.”

“Read this book in one night! Great read and couldn’t put it down!”

‘Fast-paced, raw and entertaining with moments of unexpected
this book will have you staying up late into the late.’

‘Clear your calendar this weekend – Eve Rabi has a new tale and
it’s kick**s as usual!’

‘OMG, Eve! Just when I think your writing can’t get any better,
you surpass yourself! I am
biting my nails, wondering what
will happen next!’

$0. 99 cents for a limited time,
so click on the images below to get your copies before the price increase.

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Color Blind – Heartbreaking romantic suspense about unrequited love – book 6 now available on Amazon!











Color Blind book 6 is now live on Amazon! Click on the image

above to download your copy!

Tell the truth and spend 5 years behind bars for love, or lie

that that you don’t know him and secure your freedom

within minutes?

What? You love him? He’s your soul mate? Yeah, yeah,

yeah, but hey, we’re talking

serious jail  time for you here.

Which would you choose?

Be honest now.

Color Blind books 1-6 are now live on Amazon!

0.99 cents for a limited time!

Avail on Kindle Unlimited

Praise for Color Blind:

“The style of writing this author uses is unique to every other
writer out there. The humour is funnier than comedy and the
horror is tear-jerking. I read this in less than a day.”

“Read this book in one night! Great read and couldn’t put it down!”

‘Fast-paced, raw and entertaining with moments of unexpected
this book will have you staying up late into the late.’

‘Clear your calendar this weekend – Eve Rabi has a new tale and
it’s kick**s as usual!’

‘OMG, Eve! Just when I think your writing can’t get any better,
you surpass yourself! I am
biting my nails, wondering what
will happen next!’

$0. 99 cents for a limited time,
so click on the images below to get your copies before the price increase.

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Five Color Blind Mice








Tell the truth and spend 5 years behind bars for love, or lie

that that you don’t know him and secure your freedom

within minutes?

What? You love him? He’s your soul mate? Yeah, yeah,

yeah, but hey, we’re talking

serious jail  time for you here.

Which would you choose?

Be honest now.

Color Blind books 1-5 are now live on Amazon!

0.99 cents for a limited time!

Avail on Kindle Unlimited

Praise for Color Blind:
‘Fast-paced, raw and entertaining with moments of unexpected
this book will have you staying up late into the late.’

‘Clear your calendar this weekend – Eve Rabi has a new tale and
it’s kick**s as usual!’

‘OMG, Eve! Just when I think your writing can’t get any better,
you surpass yourself! I am
biting my nails, wondering what
will happen next!’

$0. 99 cents for a limited time,
so click on the images below to get your copies before the price increase.

Amazon U.S. links in the Color Blind Series (click on image below to take you to Amazon U.S.)




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Color Blind – Heartbreaking romantic suspense book Release (book 3)











Tell the truth and spend 5 years behind bars for love, or lie

that that you don’t know him and secure your freedom within minutes?

What? You love him? He’s your soul mate? Yeah, yeah, yeah,  but we’re talking

serious jail  time for you here.

Which would you choose?

Be honest now.

Color Blind book 3, is now live on Amazon!

0.99 cents for a limited time!

Avail on Kindle Unlimited

Praise for Color Blind:
‘Fast-paced, raw and entertaining with moments of unexpected
this book will have you staying up late into the late.’

‘Clear your calendar this weekend – Eve Rabi has a new tale and
it’s kick**s as usual!’

‘OMG, Eve! Just when I think your writing can’t get any better,
you surpass yourself! I am
biting my nails, wondering what
will happen next!’

$0. 99 cents for a limited time,
so click on the image below to get your copy from Amazon!




Color Blind – Heartbreaking Romantic Suspense romance, book Release









Color Blind book 2, is now live on Amazon!

0. 99 cents for a limited time,
so click on the image below to get your copy!

Praise for Color Blind:
‘Fast-paced, raw and entertaining with moments of unexpected humor,
this book will have you staying up late into the late.’

‘Clear your calendar this weekend – Eve Rabi has a new tale and
it’s kick**s as usual!’

‘OMG, Eve! Just when I think your writing can’t get any better, you surpass yourself! I am
biting my nails, wondering what will happen next!’

$0. 99 cents for a limited time,
so click on the image below to get your copy from Amazon!