*EVE BRAGS HERE* (Big time!)


cover VERY SMALL  the other woman 25 Nov 15

The Other Woman

“Have to say your stuff is way out there, punchy and cutting edge… I love the rawness of what you write. You have embraced a whole new generation of stuff and I bloody hope you make it… I’m a BIG UK fan. I will read all of your books and I am a fair way through most of them done 7 already on my 8th…. I will promote you as I love them all… Scarlett had to be the most vile character yet!!! I had to stick with it to begin with as I wanted to kill her but I trusted you to take it somewhere good x Becky”

“I’ve got to say, you have a way of hooking me in and not letting go! Kids, house work, all work, life in general has basically come to a standstill whilst I indulge in your books. The writing style, humour, sense of realness in your books is so captivating that you’re now my new favourite author. Im going to have a fabulous Christmas ploughing through all your books as a gift to myself. Keep on the fab writing and have yourself a wonderful Christmas and funtabulous new year!!:)) Vikki.”

“Ms. Rabi, Ms. Rabi, Ms. Rabi. OMG, you completely amaze me with your stories. Every time I think you’ve reached your peak with your stories, you prove me wrong. You completely astound me.  Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with the world and please never stop writing. Lilbeth”


Hi Eve
U really dont know how you manage to do it, but Im in awe of your books! Im an addict to your books. Devoured all 26 and currently going through withdrawal symptoms. I have never been sucked into any authors books as much as I have yours. The plot, the twists, the strong female characters and the comebacks/revenge are just intensely gratifying. If its your books, whatever the plot, I know it’ll suck me in!
Impatiently waiting for my next fix. Hope you never stop writing. You’re a wonder writer. 😊 Dayeeta



portrait of young  couple


“Had to find you on Facebook so I can get updates I only have 3 authors I follow on Facebook & they are the ones I read all the time so congratulations you made my list of most liked authors and you now have your own collection on my kindle which means I will be buying your books.” Lisa


29/01/2013 – letter from  a proofreader

Hi Eve,
One of the things I like about these gigs is I get to read things I wouldn’t normally gravitate to, either because they’re not in my usual genres or simply because I don’t know they exist. Most of the time, honestly, they’re dreck. And then I continue to feel superior. But every once-in-a-rare-while, I come across something that is at the complete opposite end of the dreck spectrum. Something like Burn’s World. And then I feel humbled.
What a great book, Eve! As I alluded to last night, I was so drawn into the story–all of it, the characters, the humor, the drama, and the roller-coaster plot–that it took me awhile to finish, as I was reading twice, once for pleasure and once for proofing.
Best of luck with the book! I hope to work with you again soon. (Gotta find out what happens with Burn and Trojan!)

Facebook ever stalked your ex burn

To download Burn’s World, a FREE BOOK, click on link below:

Hello Eve (OMG: I can’t believe I’m actually getting to communicate directly with you. It’s like having a direct line with a celebrity. Hehehe!) I’m so happy I found your books on my kindle recommendation list! You’re now one of my favourite authors and I have over a thousand books on my kindle; but you’re in my top three favourite authors. I laugh-snorted out loud so many times while reading the books. Like deep-belly, honest-to-God laughs and also had tears in my eyes a few times. Your writing style is second to none. I read the whole quadrilogy of Gringa in just 7 hours and didn’t get to do any housework! I even got so engrossed and realised I had to phone my husband to go get the kids at school *:D big grin.
I’m glad you followed your heart and didn’t change Payton’s character like you were advised by your “hot potato-in-mouth swallowers”. Please never stop writing as your books bring laughter and a sense of escapism to your readers. I look forward to your future books.
I am also hoping you could please kindly send me a copy of your original ending of Gringa which you mentioned on your blog.
Thank you and have a lovely day ! 🙂


Hi Eve, I absolutely LOVE your books! I have read your Captured series and found it to be a very interesting and an insightful look into the psyche of a POW. I read your Burn series as well and was totally floored by the raw candidness of it. You seem to be able to capture the mind of female – how we think, the tough decisions we have to make, and how we deal with the cards we are sometimes given.
I am a budding psychologist holding an Associates degree in Psychology and currently working on my Bachelors in psychology with a minor in criminology. Your thought process is intriguing. I am currently reading Royal Deception and absolutely love the story line. Who would have thought – a gay prince and a simple village girl??? Great work! I look forward to your next one – hurry up! Thanks for the entertainment!

cover SMALL captured NEW 31 Jan 2015

To download Captured, a contemporary romance/ suspense-filled romance, click on link below:

Cover gringa book2 version 1 5 feb 2015
“A smart and crude rendition of Beauty and the Beast.”
“it’s like beauty and the beast on Crack, sex, tons of violence and equal amounts of humor.”
“…an amazing love story between a barbaric Mexican drug lord and a sassy young American that will make you laugh, make you cry and make you so sad that it came to an end.”
“This is how books should be written. I had all my emotions rolled into one. I cried, I laughed, I felt all gooey, I was mad and I was happy. Once I finished with the first book, I had to have the rest.”
” One of the best books i have read lately! It made me laugh so much.”
“Pulled me in from the start. Cant wait to read book 2. Kinda like Beauty and the Beast with a sharp twist.”
“If you are tired of reading predictable romances, this author is for you.”
“It’s now one of my favorite books of all time.”
“Amazing series. Loved all four books and will definitely read anything this author puts out.”
“Once you have start reading it you really can’t stop.””This is my first ever review of a book and I read constantly. I believe I have found a new favorite author!!””Ms. Rabi has way of luring you into her stories that I have only experienced a handful of times. She is a master story teller and I love that. She is raw and honest, holds nothing back, no sugar coating her.””I am anxious to read the next installment. These first two are like a salve, just drawing you in.”
Dear Eve,
 I cannot put into words how much I love your books!! I have read them all. I put off reading Gringa as I didn’t think it would be my sort of thing, however, I was desperate to read something so started the Gringa series . . . and read them all in a day and a half! I cried through 4 chapters towards the end of book 4, and I was sooooo pleased that it was the new version I was reading, I think I would have honestly had a nervous breakdown if it had been a sad ending!!
 I did email you a while back about your latest book ‘My ex boyfriend’s ring’, I am still confused!! I initially found a clip from Book 2, so I emailed you about Book 1 and you replied saying ‘here it is Sue’ and sent me a clip, but, unless I’m totally loosing the plot here (possibly literally ha ha) Book 1 wasn’t finished either???!!
 Please put me out of my misery and tell me what’s happening!
 Finally I would like to say that I know you have a life, but I don’t!! and I need more of your books! Could you try some of the drugs on  Diablo’s old ranch so that you can speed write?!! Just saying . . .
 Love ya, love ya books more!
Thanking you in anticipation
Sue xx
Cover gringa 2 6 feb 2015
Eve, you are brilliant I think I have read ALL of your books except the sad ending to Gringa now I’m fargin mad that I’ve got nothing to read please hurry anda makea some more books.Sent from my iPhone
Wow! I just bought the book last night, and I COULD NOT, WOULD NOT put it down! So I finally went to bed at 4am (>_<)… I absolute love how feisty the main character Payton is. I’m hooked! I’ll be definitely reading more of your books, but first…I would like to get my hands on the alternative ending. Feeling like a drug addict, (Payton’s opium crave) I need more!!! (shakily) 😉
Currently your numbaone Fan,
Hi Eve I really enjoyed your book Gringa. I couldn’t put it down. I read the entire series in a few days. I’m sure I would have finished it sooner if I didn’t have to work and take care of my family. Thank you Jennifer
This review is from: Gringa - In the Clutches of a Drug Lord: A Modern-day Love Story 
I stumbled onto the first book in the series while looking for an altogether different title. And thank goodness I did. Out of curiosity, I saw the free offering and decided it was worth a shot. From the first few sentences, I was hooked. At first I didn't really know what to think of what I was reading. It seemed completely off the realm of any cohesive storytelling but I kept right on swiping my kindle. The style is so dramatically different from what I'm used to; it seemed like the author was writing in an utterly unhinged and uninhibited fashion. I FARKIN loved it!!!
I don't want to waste time describing the synopsis since everyone here has pretty much said it all. But what I can comment on was how incredibly entertaining a read this series was. I burned through all four books in the middle of the night and now I find myself wishing it could have lasted a little longer.
The premise is controversial, to be sure but what a story it is! If you're put off with any type of morally ambiguous tales or violence and sex- steer clear. But if you're up for a roller coaster of emotions and a thorough mind f*0K, then do yourself a favor. Click on Purchase. Get comfortable. And keep an open mind.
Btw, something must be wrong with me. I found our questionable leading man completely endearing. I'm jacked in the head, I know.
I will be posting a much longer and comprehensive review on my goodreads page as well as my blog later today. Links below. Thanks for writing, it was very entertaining. I am adding the rest of your books to my TBR list! Best, AC
Anna the Naughty Nun's Secret Book Blog

“I absolutely loved this book. It definitely wrapped up the story so nicely. I cried, I laughed (a lot), I felt my heart in my throat a few times. I cried some more. As usual, Ms. Rabi has created characters that are real and you can’t help but love the “good” ones and hate the “bad” one(s).””WOW, what a story. I loved the characters even though most were pretty mean, I think Henna was pretty well adjusted considering the life she was subjected to. I can tell when I’m reading an Eve Rabi book because you start anticipating anything good or bad and it leaves you wanting more. Congrats I think it’s great.””Such a terrific lovestory..the palace scenes are so vivid everything is so vivid..and Henna is the most adorable and lively heroine i’ve come across..her dismal fate makes me teary..well done!!five star book””A fascinating story, a few editing issues but nothing to detract from the book.””Perfect sequel to a perfect story..all the loose ends are tied beautifully..Thrilling , insightful and Romantic!Excellent effort!””I absolutely love this book.””Another winner, absolutely loved it.”

Conversation with Eve’s Beta Reader:

“Dear Eve

I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful and offer you more criticism on this book. To me it was just perfect. Beautiful. It was a pleasant surprise I must admit. I thought it was going to be a story about royalty, something that doesn’t interest me. Was I surprised.
It was more a fairy tale. Something between the Ugly Duckling and Rumpelstiltskin. But with a lot more drama, sex and suspense. I simply loved it. Cried and laughed. As usual.
I loved Henna, fell in love with Rusty and despised the queen with a vengeance! Lol! Couldn’t stop reading. As usual. Had to know what happened next.
I’m amazed that you are so diverse in your writing and genres. Kudos to you, Eve. 🙂
I’m now onto My Brother My Rival and loving it, I have to tell you. So don’t do anything else, but just keep writing. I am looking forward to more of your books.
PS:The only thing I would recommend is a change of cover. It’s …ugly. Lol. Boring. Sorry to be brutal, but you asked me to be. :)”

“Hi Jean.
Thanks for your feedback. So glad you loved the book. That is the main thing.
I cried with Henna too. In fact, with all my re-writes and drafts on this book, I’m either in tears or laughing.
Rumpelstiltskin? Mm. Never thought about the angle. You’ve made me think, so I’m going to do some tweaking to the story.
You hate my cover? I’m devastated, shattered. I will have to eat a whole pizza and drink a bottle of wine to recover from your feedback on the cover 🙂
Seriously, I will change it right away.
Will send you the new cover as soon as I receive it. Let me know what your thoughts on it.
Thanks again for your awesome feedback and help. Much appreciated.
Eve “

Hello Eve
You don’t know me,(well duh lol) but I jut wanted to email you and tell you how much of a fan I am!! I’ve read a couple of your books and bloody hell they are awesome!!! I don’t know whether you have a twitter page but I’m telling all my friends about your books in London!! Your books have given me more laughs and thrills (yes even the vengeful ones) than anything lately and I’m glad I came across your works!!
Yours truly
Hello Eve
Omg you’ve made my Tuesday also! I can’t be believe you took the time out to reply to my email .. I can imagine how busy you must be creating such masterpieces!! I can NOT wait to read your next books!! I’ll be following closely! You can bet I’ll be one of if not the first person to nab a copy!!
I have read both Burns world and gringa and I have to say I lovedddddddd them both!!! I love your works so much because you have a diverse collection of characters! Unlike a lot of writers who only have “white protagonists” and such! Gringa made me laugh soooo much!!! Again, you ROCK! Sorry for the lengthy email but I had to get my point across incase you didn’t know how awesome you are 😉 have a great week!!!
Yours truly (and biggest fan in London)
I’ve just finished reading Burns world which I got for free on smashword. I have to know what happens next please I won’t be able to sleep tonight Crying face please let me know how I can purchase it.
>  I love your books I have bags under my eyes, haven’t slept for days going through your books. Would also like the other ending to Gringa I think it said if I email it would be sent to me.
> > I read all the books on my kindle if that’s any help. I hope to hear from you soon.
> > Many thanks for the great books
> > Tj > Sent from my iPhone

Dear Eve Rabi:

I’d like to get the original ending to the “Gringa” series.
On Thursday noticed Parts 1&2 were free and decided to give them a chance.  Glad I did.  Read them.  Bought parts 3&4 on Friday but waited until today Saturday to read them as I figured I’d want to complete it in one sitting – which I did.
Saw that you had an offer for those who had read the series to send them the original ending to “Gringa.”  I’ like to read it, even though the ending is more “down.”
Glad I took a chance on ‘Free’ -it’s nice to save money but that can be balanced by wasting time reading something not very good.  I’d rather have the time and pay to read something good – luckily I can say that seems to be in your case.  I found a good new author, an author I would put on my pre-purchase list.
Got your other “free books” and plan on reading and continuing with purchasing whatever is needed to complete each series.
So appreciate getting the “Gringa” original ending for free – though would have paid for it.
Sincerely, JH
Hi Eve!
I absolutely adore your books and haven’t read anything like them, I love the story lines and how the ‘villain’ changes and they work together and fall in love. I have read all of the obsessed with me, Gringa and you will pay books – all amazing. I have read the first Burn’s world book too. However, as well as writing to show my appreciation,  I am humbly asking you if you can perhaps gift me just the rest of the Burn’s world series in exchange for reviews of all the individual books on Goodreads and also Amazon UK? I hate to ask you for freebies but my book limit has been reached this year so I cannot buy any until 01/01/15. Please consider my offer and I will do anything else you may want.
Thankyou so much
I have just purchased all four books and after less than two days I am finished. An amazing set of books that had me cringing, laughing and crying! Fabulous characters that you made come alive with your writing. My favourites are Rosa and Maria, I just loved their banter between each other. Of course, I loved all of the rest but these two just had me laughing constantly.

I have just read this wasn’t the original ending. The current ending I had to read at least five times as I was laughing my head off!!! (Husband was looking at me strange as though I lost my marbles).
Is there another book I can buy with the original ending? I am following you on WordPress and can’t wait for more updates on the interview.
Fantastic read!
Sharon Murray

Hi Eve,
I would just like to say, keep up the excellent work.  I tried one of your free kindle downloads from amazon about two weeks ago and since that one book, i’ve been hooked.  My husband is sick of me going missing to grab a few minutes (well when i say a few, it’s more like an hour) as i’m literally unable to put your books down.  The roller coaster of emotions have you constantly gripped.  Your sense of humour is fantastic, you have me laughing, crying, terrified – they’re brilliant.  I’ve now read all of your wonderful books. . . please hurry with your new ones.
Fan forever.
Shelley Bennett England

Hi Eve,
 Glad I made your day.  I’ve actually bought and read every book you have published and i’m gutted that there are no more. I just couldn’t put them down.  I loved ‘Gringa’ and ‘Burn’s World’, to be honest though, I loved every single one.  How you even think of these fantastic story lines is beyond me.  You’re very talented, please keep them coming.  With regards to ‘facebook’, i’m not that technically minded, if there’s any way you can use my comments please do.
 Best regards,
 Shelley England
Hey Eve! 
Just wondering how to get the next book!! As I have told u before u are an amazing writer!!! I loved ur books gringa and my brothers rival... So emotional yet at times I laughed... Please never stop writing I will keep buying as long as u do!

Hi Eve
 Just wanted say your My Brother My Rival two books were amazing I read both in one day and could not put them down. I loved how you made each character deep by showing their flaws and dirty laundry in each book. Loved that you took the real life affects of PTSD and showed how it could take someone as strong, loyal and dependable as Scott and destroy not only his mind but his soul. I have family in,the forces here in the UK and I know how PTSD can devastate not only the sufferer but their entire family. I loved your style and grit throughout the books. I'd love to Beta read for you as I enjoy a great book
  Yours faithfully
  Lynne  Faversham, Kent, UK

Dear Eve
 Where should I start from? 90% chance you did delete this without reading but I'm betting on the 10%. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR BOOK before I even read it now I'm running crazy going from site to site looking for where to get BOOK 2,3 or 4 and please you ask what this crazy bitch is talking about,I'm referring to the one and only(well 4 to be technical)GRINGA;In The Clutches Of a Drug Lord. I swear I have never read anything like this before,it's like goggy chocolate,a fantastic orgasm and a vodka on the side rolled up in one and still leaving enough room for dessert. Before I carry on and waste your precious time(time enough to release another MINDBLOWING book),I'm going to be my absolutely worst and plead for an E-book download. Never have I been more vest that I leave in a remote part of Africa where it take 3-5years to get the latest book. I have to slink to illegal download(I feel bad reading something this FANTASTIC for free). There now I have ramble on like a big baby. I do hope you have pity on my Brain deprived HOT GUY OOZING SEX APPEAL fix and hoping this Mail find you in a good mood.
 Number 0000.01FAN
COVER gringa book one 7 feb 15
BookTitle : Gringa
Message : I so loved your book!!! I'm dying to read the next! I wish you good luck with your writing, proyects and goals, but I'm confident that if all your other books are as good as this one, you're gonna make it in this world Winking face.

I came across your amazing book just browsing on Amazon. I read Obsessed then Gringa and turned around and bought every last one of your books. I love your writing style the way you make me laugh OUT LOUD, cry, and piss me off (charters not you) all in one book. The series never disappoint and continue with much needed information, unlike some that drop off on book 2 and book 3 should never be written.
 You bring hood, street, and gangsta then switch it up with class. I added you to my need to follow list, because I will buy everything you put out.
I’m not sure what is your inspiration, but don’t change a thing. I noticed you have a (look like) glass of wine in your pic. Well grab a glass settle in and continue to give us the good stuff.
 I just had to let you know that you are truly the Business!!
 Take Care,
I have just discovered your books and I am now a fan. This story was great, captivating. I started reading and could put the book down. I will now consider more of you stories. Great read!
Sent from my iPad
I just would like to let you know that I loved reading Gringa, it was very funny and very emotional (especially towards the end). I am now intrigued and anxious to read further. I must say you are a really great writer, you portray comedy with a perfect dose especially in light with the heartache going on around – for me it was like real life. I am an aspiring writer and hope my work is as good and entertaining for me others as it was for me. Anyway I saw at the end of the book I can “enter a competition” for the rest of the series? Well I would really like to read what happens next. Please can I enter?
I just finished reading, Royal deception book one. Let me just say; WOW! I loved it, and just like Henna I’m in love with Rusty. I’m hanging in the edge of a clif, when will book two be available?? Can’t wait!! I love your writing! So raw, so different, absolutely love it!! The Gringa series just took my breath away..
 Love linda

First I want to tell you how much I dug the Gringa Series. Couldn’t put them down. I think I read all of them in a matter of days. Needless to say, housework went to hell. Anyway, I saw on your website something about beta readers. I would love to be a part of that. Let me know what I need to do…Thanks again and keep writing. i am starting the Burn’s world series this weekend, very much looking forward to it. Notice I said this weekend. If I started it now, I would not go to work…. Ha!

 I normally do not email an author, but I just had to let you know that you are, by far, one of the best authors I have come across in a while!!
I love your books.  I have to be truthful, I had never heard of you until the Gringa series was given to me to read.  I was hooked from the very first sentence!!
You have gained a life-long fan and I will continue to suggest your books to all!!  I am at work and cannot go into as much detail as I would like.
 After reading Gringa, Captured, Sinead, and Burn, I am now beginning Royal Deception.  My problem is that I purchased book one…twice (by mistake) Is there any way to send me book two?
 If not, I will gladly pay for it in a few weeks.  I really appreciate your time and artistic ability!!
 Thank you,
Have to say your stuff is way out there, punchy and cutting edge… I love the rawness of what you write. You have embraced a whole new generation of stuff and I bloody hope you make it… I’m a BIG UK fan.. I will read all of your books and I am a fair way through most of them done 7 already on my 8th…. I will promote you as I love them all…
I’ve read payback such an amazing book I literally cannot stop thinking about it! Caught me totally off guard and I fell inlove with it, can’t wait for payday so I can buy the next one! bear reminds me of my other half and Tom is definitely my ex.. So I can relate so much it’s an amazing story! Thank you for writing it! Xxx
banner Free books wordpress

Below are the links to these free contemporary romance books, romantic crime thrillers and modern love stories by Eve Rabi

Gringa – Beast of Mexico

Payback – You Will Pay:

Burn’s World:

Gringa – Taming the Beast:

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  1. Hi Eve
    jusu finished reading I will get you. I loved the book because it was so different than the books that are out. It had a great story, a sad story and a love story. It talked about things that happen in real life. Keep up the great writing!!

    Thank you,
    Cyndi Barber

    • Hi Cindy, lovely to hear that you’ve enjoyed You Will Pay.
      There is a spin on this book.
      It won’t be free, however, if you have posted a review, you will get it for free.
      Just send me the review to the link and I will put you on my gift list. Regards
      Eve 🙂 🙂

  2. You will pay…for leaving me. I woke this morning and ayatyed your book, what a fantastic read. I have just finished it in a day. Definitely cant wait ro read more.

  3. You will pay…for leaving me. Brilliant read so glad there’s more to read. Thank you

    • Hey there Louise, so glad you enjoyed it. Makes my day 🙂
      If you’ve posted a review for the book, send me the link and I will then gift you the spin offs. 🙂
      Eve 🙂

  4. Hi Eve,
    this is the first book I have read by you and I totally enjoyed it. They say revenge is sweet…so it is:)

  5. This may be the first book I’ve read written by you, but it certainly won’t be my last. I can’t wait for your next one!

  6. Carlene Bailey

    Fantastic book. I absolutely loved it, such a fantastic twist. It kept me hooked and I read it within a couple of hours. Never read a book so quick. Keep up the good work Eve.

  7. Hi Eve
    Just finished reading The Cheat. Yet another famtastic read. So addictive that I read them both in two days. Absolutely love your writing style and am quickly running out of books. I have Betaryed to read next. You truly are an amazing writer. Please keep them coming. All the best. Maria. xxx

  8. Hi Eve
    I read Burn’s World and loved it! Now I am trying to find books 3 & 4. Any suggestion were to look. Amazon dose not seam to have them or Kobo. Help please! I want to find out what Burn will do.

  9. Just posted my rating and review of BRING A at Amazon. WOW. JUST WOW. http://www.amazon.com/review/R2DDQ0HJ5RTIGB

  10. I just posted a review at Amazonhttp://www.amazon.com/review/R2DDQ0HJ5RTIGB and would love to read GRINGA’S original ending.

    • Have you emailed me about it Anita? If you have, you should get them soon. Stand by for three new books coming soon 🙂 Friend me on Facebook and follow my blog for release date and teasers. ❤ ❤ ❤

  11. I have just finished reading ‘You will pay’, this is the first time I have read one of Ms Rabi’s books and the first time I have read a book in a couple of years!
    I found the characters were compelling and the story line had me hooked and waiting for the next page to learn what happened next. I felt I shared in the journey of the characters through the story line and even shed a few tears around Sasha’s demise.
    Keep up the good work!

  12. Good day, Miss Eve!..

    Three years ago, I was just e-mailing you about how I love your books right after falling in love with your Gringa. Now, Miss Eve I’m so excited on what awaits me on “Gringa-Since You’ve Been Gone”…I’m very happy that you gave us something to hold onto the last chapters of the life Payton and Diago spicily(if there’s that word ;)) build together..Hope I could read this. This is what I’ve ever been waiting for..More power!

    Your one big fan,

    • Jen your a JEM! Please let me know your thoughts on “Since you’ve been gone” Its quite a bit different to Gringa! And Spicily is SO now a word- claim it:-)! XXXXX<3 Eve

  13. Hey Eve!
    I just finished reading Gringa 1,2,3,4 books and I’m hooked to it!! Gringa is simply SUPERB!! OMG the best freaking novel I have ever read! I’ve become your fan, Eve♥
    Love you so much for creating this master piece! Oh and I would to receive a copy of the ORIGINAL ending of Gringa(Honestly, I so want to weep like a baby after reading the sad ending LOL)!♥

  14. Heya Eve!
    I loved your Gringa series 1,2,3 and 4. I finished reading Burn’s World yesterday and I must say I love your writing style!! Your sense of humor is just FANTABULOUS!!! And.. ehh I think I’m in love with you!! LOL!!♥♥♥
    Oh and Eve could you please send me the original ending of Gringa…please please PLEASE.. I’m dying to know what happens to Payton and Diago in the original ending. LOL I never expected Payton to get pregnant with TWINS you know:D And Diago’s return from 60yrs jail sentence?? OMG!! I think I suffered a heart attack LOL!
    I’m hooked to your books, Eve! You are even better than Sidney Sheldon(my ex-favorite writer♥) Keep writing Eve… you are the BEST ever xoxo♥♥♥

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